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National Institute of Standards & Technology 

National Standard have their place. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) should understand this better than anyone.


So, why did NIST refuse to follow the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)  921 Standards for Fire & Explosion Investigations on the collapse of WTC 7?


NIST did not follow the following NFPA 921 Fire & Explosion Standards.

NFPA 921 – 9.3.6  Spoilation of Evidence
NFPA 921 – 14.3  Preservation of the Fire Scene​
NFPA 921 – 18.3.2  High-Order Damage
NFPA 921 – 18.12.2  High Explosives
NFPA 921 – 18.15  Analyze Fuel Source
NFPA 921 – 19.2.4  Exotic Accelerants
NFPA 921 –  Extremism
NFPA 921 – 23.1.4 Definition of an Explosion

Maybe NIST had a reason to ignore National Standards?
NIST – No Blast Sounds 


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